Digital Concert Hall

דיזנגוף פינת ברודוויי

דיזנגוף פינת ברודוויי

Songs from great and beloved musicals

Guest Conductor: Robert Porco (USA)

Duration of Concert: 01:00:02  hours

Live recorded at the Brigham Young University’s center for study in Jerusalem (Mormon University), 1/2/2015.

The Israeli Vocal Ensemble presents a slightly different classic: the popular American song. The American song as presented in Broadway musicals by composers such as Gershwin, Berlin, Richard Rodgers, Bernstein and others: major and influential composers in American music who took popular music as seriously as they treated “serious” classical music. Quite a few of the songs which were written for the musicals, became part of the canon that is known as the American Song Book. The current concert brings a taste of the most beloved, familiar and charming songs in the vast repertoire of musicals, many of them, as originally written. In the program songs like Someone to watch over me, Nice work if you can get it,Isn’t it Romantic, a string from Bernstein’s Westside Story, Summer time and others.

The program was performed at the Brigham Young University’s center for study in Jerusalem (Mormon University) on 1/2/2015.