Francis Poulenc : Figure Humaine
The Israeli Vocal Ensemble
Conductor Yuval Benozer
Guest Conductor Guy Pelc
Text: Paul Eluard
The Israeli Vocal Ensemble performs for the first time in Israel the cantata Figure Humaine, composed by Francis Poulenc in 1942, for texts by the French poet Paul Eluard, during the Nazi occupation. The work is considered by many to be the pinnacle of Poulenc’s work, if not one of the best works written in the 20th century.
Piece duration: 17:49 minutes.
The piece was performed as part of the “Sounds of Freedom” concert that took place at Tel Aviv Museum of Art in 15.6.19.
Figure Humaine:
I –De tous les printemps du monde
II –En chantant les servantes s’élancent
III –Aussi bas que le silence
IV –Toi ma patience
V –Riant du ciel et des planets
VI –Le jour m’étonne et la nuit me fait peur
VII –La menace sous le ciel rouge
VIII –Liberté